CFNA Ministry Reflects on a Fruitful 2024

Editor’s note: CFNA staff and Board came together in January 2025 to discuss recent accomplishments and goals met throughout 2024. In this article, CFNA’s Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Stanish Stanley, highlights key milestones and stories of success to show God’s faithfulness in providing the resources and hands needed to continue serving Saint Louis’ refugee community. 

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CFNA closed another busy and impactful year in 2024, engaging New Americans, serving them, and sharing the love of Christ. Through various outreach programs, we connected with 492 new individuals from 42 nations, building relationships and positively impacting lives. 

Programs like Driver’s Ed. for adults, Sewing for women, and After-School Tutoring for children provided practical help while creating opportunities for gospel-centered interactions. These efforts were made possible by the faithful support of volunteers, many from Lutheran congregations. Stefanie, a regular tutor along with her son, shared her inspiration: “This is such a good ministry, and you do quite a bit to serve new neighbors. It’s a pleasure to serve and involve my family and church in this work.” Stefanie encouraged her church to contribute extra mission funds to support CFNA’s year-end Christmas Giveaway, which served 163 refugee families with household essentials. 

In 2024, approximately 350 volunteers joined CFNA’s mission. ESL classes helped over 50 students from 10 nations improve their English skills. Driver’s Education supported 171 participants from 25 countries, leading to 131 permits and 27 licenses. The After-School Tutoring program provided academic mentoring to around 70 students from 10 birth nations. 

CFNA’s Community Engagement activities brought 150 new volunteers to 26 events organized through 20 Lutheran churches and institutions. Meanwhile, the Adopt-a-Student program enabled 33 refugee children — 12 elementary and 21 high school students — to attend Lutheran schools in a faith-based environment. The women’s Sewing program welcomed over 40 Afghan Muslim women, equipping them with skills, income-generating opportunities, and Bible fellowship. 

Olga, a refugee from Congo, expressed her gratitude: “Pastor, thank you for all that you do. We now have our car, and Ferdinand [husband] is driving. We can buy groceries, take the children to school, and go to work. Thank you so much.” Olga’s children, who attended CFNA’s tutoring program, were baptized at St. John’s Lutheran Church in October. Her husband, Ferdinand, earned his driving permit through CFNA’s Driver’s Ed and received a car through the CFNA Car Grant funded by the Lutheran Foundation. 

These accomplishments were made possible by partnerships with 54 churches (52 of which were Lutheran) and 45 organizations. A highlight from 2024 was hosting a dinner honoring our founding members and former Board Chairs, Rev. Dr. Allan and Mrs. Carol Buckman. CFNA ministry is where it is today through their leadership since 2002, the friends and people who gathered with them to serve at this ministry, and their committed voluntarism and passion for this work. During their leadership transition in 2024, the Board, guided by Rev. Dr. Douglas Rutt, upheld stability and fostered continued growth at CFNA. 

Looking ahead to 2025, CFNA remains committed to serving refugees and immigrants, guided by Christ’s command to love our neighbors (Mk 12:30-31). We thank God for your prayers, financial support, and advocacy that make this ministry possible. Together, we will continue to engage, serve, and bless New Americans. 

Wishing you a joyful and blessed 2025! 
By Rev. Stanish Stanley
Executive Director, CFNA