CFNA Transition Update
/Douglas Rutt
This past year has been a period of transition for Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA), but our mission remains steadfast: to build meaningful relationships with New Americans, share the Gospel through compassionate words and deeds and connect New Americans with churches. Our focus continues to be on reflecting Christ’s love in both word and action. We walk alongside immigrants and refugees, supporting them as they navigate their journey from lives often marked by uncertainty and insecurity to ones filled with hope and opportunity in the United States, especially pointing them at every opportunity to the hope to be found in Jesus Christ. While there are many stories of CFNA's impact, the information below highlights specific aspects of the leadership transition process.
Executive Director: The Rev. Dr. Stanish Stanley, an immigrant himself, has been fully entrusted with the responsibilities of Executive Director, providing both management and leadership to CFNA. His unique qualifications as a pastor, theologian, and compassionate servant of Christ make him exceptionally suited for this role. Together with the resolute staff and committed volunteers, CFNA is recognized as a model ministry—frequently visited and studied by others in our church body who seek to replicate its effectiveness in other regions across the country. Those of us closely involved know that this success is not by chance. The growth of CFNA’s ministry has been driven by hard work, creative thinking, perseverance, and, above all, the grace of God.
Updating Bylaws: The board has undertaken the process of revising CFNA’s bylaws to align them with the organization’s current and future needs. These bylaws provide the essential governance and legal framework for the ministry. More than a legal requirement, they serve to enhance accountability, transparency, and effectiveness, raising the standard of excellence in our service and inspiring trust. After initial attempts to make revisions, the decision was made to start anew, and the board is currently reviewing a fresh draft. As CFNA is a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the revised bylaws must also receive approval from Synod to ensure they conform to the goals and mission of the church body.
New Board Members: The board of directors quickly recognized the need to expand its membership to bring in a greater diversity of talents and depth of experience. Three outstanding individuals were added, each demonstrating a strong commitment to the excellence of CFNA’s ministry. We thank God for Laura Brink, Christy Hoehner, and Lisa Holderle, who have accepted the challenge and generously volunteered their time and talents in service to CFNA. Looking ahead, once the new bylaws are ratified, we anticipate a rotation system for board members, allowing them to serve for a limited term. This will help the board recruit a more diverse membership and introduce fresh ideas and perspectives to the organization.
Strategic Plan: One of the key initiatives that has made significant progress in recent months is the review and revision of our strategic plan, which we refer to as a 'balanced focus plan.' A dedicated group of staff and stakeholders has been meeting regularly with our consultant, Rev. Dr. David Vaughn, to craft a values statement, mission statement, and vision statement. The values statement is crucial, as it defines the core principles and beliefs that guide the organization’s behavior and decision-making, serving as a moral compass that shapes our culture and clarifies what the ministry stands for. The mission statement outlines our organization’s fundamental purpose—communicating the value we provide, the groups we serve, and how we serve them. The vision statement paints a picture of what success looks like for CFNA in the future. I am very excited about how these statements are shaping up, and once finalized, they will be made public.
The second phase of the strategic plan is now underway, with an expanded team that includes several board members. This stage will focus on clear, actionable goals, objectives, and activities aimed at fulfilling the organization's mission and vision.
Board Chair: The transition process for CFNA began last fall with a consultant-led study that engaged individuals both within and outside the organization. One of the key recommendations was to appoint a new board chair for a one-year interim period, a role I accepted on January 1, 2024. As the year draws to a close, I plan to step down from the chairmanship, partly for the reason mentioned above, and also due to personal factors unrelated to my wife Deborah’s and my ongoing commitment to CFNA. We remain fully dedicated to supporting CFNA’s vital mission with our time and resources. I also intend to continue serving as a board member as long as I can meaningfully contribute. Moreover, several capable board members are well-prepared to take on the role of chair and continue leading CFNA effectively.
In closing, I want to express my deep gratitude to all of you—the dedicated staff, volunteers, and supporters—whose commitment and generosity have woven you into the fabric of Christian Friends of New Americans. This ministry, centered on serving our New American friends and reflecting Christ’s love, is fundamentally about people and relationships. It is fitting, then, that CFNA not only survives but thrives because of individuals—disciples of Christ—who are willing to give of themselves in service to their new neighbors.
Sincerely in Christ,
Douglas Rutt, CFNA board chair