Christus Vivit
/al & carol buckman
Al and Carol Buckman have been selected by the faculty of Concordia Seminary to receive the Christus Vivit honorary award at the seminary’s commencement ceremony to be held on May 17, 2024.
According to the Faculty Handbook, the criteria for this award include the following: “Christus Vivit – awarded to pastors, teachers, professors, officials of synod, and lay persons who demonstrate faithful and fruitful service to the church in their respective calling.”
In addition, the guidelines for honorary awards state:
“It is the prerogative of the faculty to grant honorary degrees and awards to worthy recipients. . . . Members of the faculty are a major source for the identification of nominees for such honors and awards, which are never conferred for the purpose of adding to the prestige of an individual but to recognize services already rendered. It is understood that the total process of nomination, selection, and awarding of degrees and honors takes place within the context of a full appreciation and application of the distinctive features of Lutheran theology and practice, particularly as represented by The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.”
Al and Carol’s lifetime of service to the church, including their LCMS mission service, and especially their role in founding CFNA, are major factors in deeming them worthy of this award. To learn more, see