Ethiopian/Eritrean Bible Fellowship
/some fellowship members
God is definitely using Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA) to draw, bridge, and connect New Americans, predominantly refugees, to LCMS congregations. By the grace of God, the Ethiopian and Eritrean Bible Fellowship was able to confirm five adults and baptize three infants within the past six months, all of whom have been connected with LCMS congregations. Our approach has been to establish meaningful relationships with these newcomers, utilizing the numerous resources available through CFNA. I am so grateful for the LCMS congregations who have opened their doors to these new members, helping them to feel comfortable and to also feel that they have made the right choice.
The Fellowship consists of two ethnic communities: the Eritreans, who worship primarily in the Kunama language, and the Ethiopians, who worship primarily in Amharic. Currently, our combined weekly attendance is a little over 30 people. The members, however, are committed to realizing a combined attendance of approximately 50 by the end of this year.
One of the pressing needs of both the Ethiopian and Eritrean communities has to do with work qualifications. Many have come to this country with qualifications in nursing, child care, home health care, and education. However, because their professional certificates are not recognized in the United States, many have only been able to secure entry-level employment. With the assistance of CFNA, the Fellowship is launching a Skills Enhancement Program to enable these recent arrivals to overcome this difficulty.
During the early part of his ministry, the apostle Paul had the vision of planting churches throughout Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). Having received direction from God, however, he redirected his efforts to Macedonia (Greece) and elsewhere in the Mediterranean area (Acts 16:6–10). Please join us in praying for the members of the Ethiopian/Eritrean Bible Fellowship as they likewise seek God’s direction for their ministry in the St. Louis area and beyond.
By Rev. Teddy Workeneh CFNA Missionary to Ethiopian & Eritrean People