It's Like Riding a Bike
/Is a common idiom that we all know. Once one learns to ride a bike, it's a skill they will have for a lifetime. The challenge is learning how to ride the bike.
When I was trying to attempt this monumental task, I lived in Colorado at the base of a very steep hill ending in a cul-de-sac. My dad took me up and down that hill so many times to help me get the balance, the pedal coordination, and the steering all in alignment. It was during a downhill lap that he thought I had mastered the motion and let go of the bike. Somewhere towards the base of the cul-de-sac, I realized his encouragement was no longer right behind me. In a panic, I turned to see that he was still at the top of the hill, and I promptly hit the high curb. I still have a scar on my knee to prove it. It wasn’t but a day later that I gained the confidence to zip around the street with the other kids - and now continue to bike whenever circumstances allow.
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Maybe you have a similar story, someone took the time to help you learn a new kind of balance and motion; investing in your future. It may have been a parent, a friend or even a sibling. As another saying goes, “It takes a village” to form and develop each one of us into capable contributors to society.
At CFNA, it is our joy to support our New American friends in so many of these development benchmarks. This summer, we got to witness 24 students enrolled in BWORKS, an organization that allows youth to Earn a Bike or Earn a Computer after attending six weeks of class. Safety, components of the tool, proper use, and responsible ownership are taught in both courses.
CFNA helped to enroll the youth, as well as drive them to and from class. Conversations in the car ride afterwards were always full of excited anticipation about what their bike would look like when they got it, or what kind of speakers their computer would have… the youth were pleased to have had the opportunity to work for these items.
BWORKS has been a part of the CFNA village for 3 years now. They have provided 36+ computers and 36+ bikes to our organization alone… tools that will enable households to have the use of a computer at home, the ability to bike to work or school, and the first hand experience of a few more American idioms.
Amy Zeigler
If you have a bike to donate, or a computer, CFNA will help distribute them to our clients. There is always a need. If you have time, gifts, or talents you’d like to share with CFNA, we would love to have you contact us. After all, it takes a village. Once you have been part of the CFNA community, my guess is that you’ll find volunteering is as easy as riding a bike.
By Amy Zeigler
CFNA Community Engagement Coordinator