Transition Update Part 3
/Organizational changes demand careful and deliberate consideration, a principle CFNA’s board has diligently applied during the recent leadership transition. Our approach aims to ensure that CFNA’s remarkable achievements over its history are duly acknowledged, respected, and utilized for future progress. We all are thankful to God for His blessings upon this ministry. Just as God’s people commemorate His mighty deeds and the faithful heroes of the past, we must always remember the history of CFNA and what has been learned so that we can chart a way forward building upon what has been accomplished already.
Rev. Dr. Douglas Rutt
As CFNA now undergoes a transition in leadership, it is important that the board, staff, volunteers and supporters of CFNA bind together in deliberate ways to create a synergy that will enable the ministry to face new challenges and opportunities. There is an adage that those involved in missions do well to remember: “Missions is messy.” That truth underscores the unpredictable nature of our endeavors. In the case of CFNA, embracing uncertainty means remaining open to what God may unveil next. In other words, we never know what surprising new thing God will do or what new challenges and opportunities He will place before us as people from around the world come into our midst, creating opportunities for CFNA to exemplify the love of Christ in word and deed. Another missionary motto, “Be flexible,” has played a pivotal role in CFNA's ability to adapt to evolving demands and opportunities. We do not want to lose that flexibility.
One of our board members with significant business leadership experience, Gary Uhlemeyer, has been working diligently with Dr. Buckman and Dr. Stanish to facilitate the leadership transition. He has met with each individually and they have met together on several occasions. Mr. Uhlemeyer reports that things are on track for an April 1 passing of the baton.
As a part of the transition, the strategic plan (which CNFA calls the “Balanced Focus Plan”) to guide the future direction and priorities of CFNA needs to be reviewed and revised. The board has appointed a team made up of two board members, staff personnel, and other constituents, to work with a facilitator in the strategic process. I hope that if you are asked you will be able to participate in this important process. Our goal is to have the revised Balanced Focus Plan completed by July 1.
We will continue to keep you apprised of any other new developments of this transition. Please keep CFNA and all involved in the transition process in your prayers.
Douglas Rutt
CFNA Board Chair