Volunteer of the Month - Norma Schroll
/Norma Schroll
Editor’s Note: CFNA is heavily dependent on volunteers, and every year over 200 of them step forward to offer their services. Norma Schroll is one of them and here she shares her experience.
Where were you born and raised?
I was born and raised in the small town of Marshall, Missouri. My spiritual journey began when I was baptized as an infant at Redeemer Lutheran Church. A key mentor during my early years was Rev. Oscar Hellwege, who suggested I study to become a teacher. My teaching degree is from Concordia University, Nebraska.
What key values guided you through your early years?
Faith in Jesus as my personal Savior. Early on, I began to understand that whatever I did in life, I would never be alone. Personal responsibility was another.
How did you become aware of CFNA?
I became aware of CFNA a few years ago, mostly by hearing Al and Carol Buckman talk about it during Sunday morning Bible class. I started my relationship through their yearly trivia event/auction. I know a lot of people who worked for the organization and felt like I could fit in. Additionally, I was a geography major in college and have always been interested in other people, countries, and cultures.
What has been most rewarding?
Six months ago I began serving as a volunteer driver taking Afghan and Syrian families to medical and dental appointments. I really enjoyed meeting them and getting to know their families, especially their children. Their hospitality is overwhelming, as I am frequently invited into their homes for tea. Recently I was invited to my first full-blown Afghan dinner. It was a feast that lasted over two hours. We visited a lot, and the entire evening was most enjoyable!
What has been the most challenging?
The language barrier, though some Afghan people speak English quite well. Recently, I was trying to make conversation with one of the mothers by asking her what kind of meat she liked to cook. She could not think of the English name of the animal, so she raised her two index fingers above her head. To me that looked like horns so I said, “A cow…moo?” She said, “Yes”.
What suggestions do you have for our readers?
If you are looking for a way to serve the Lord in your spare time, I would highly recommend CFNA. It is an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus for refugee families in the St. Louis area. I have made a lot of new friends and have enjoyed learning more about what their lives were like before they arrived in the United States. I pray for them daily, asking that the Holy Spirit open their hearts to know more about Jesus.
Should volunteer service be something you might wish to explore, click here or contact Heather McDermott at hmcdermott@cfna-stl.org.
By Rev. Al Buckman with Norma Schroll