Welcoming Friends Home

Welcoming Friends Home

Josef Pieper said love is saying it’s good that you exist. As a volunteer, I watched New American students develop confidence while finding their place in a new country. I also watched friends grow beyond the trellis of support the Peace Center provides. As a summer intern, I have been blessed to join in welcoming my new neighbors in love. While driving to swimming, ceramics, citizenship, and math classes this summer, I am invited to exist in Jesus’ love with my friends. 

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Scholarship Assistance

Scholarship Assistance

Making a Real Difference: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow! From 2007-2008, when 20 refugee children received elementary school scholarships to Word of Life and Christ Community Lutheran School, to 2023-2024, when 13 elementary and 18 high school students were attending four elementary and two Lutheran high schools, the program has served at least 104 refugee students. Almost without exception, these students made satisfactory academic progress and went on to quality post-secondary education or military service.

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It's Like Riding a Bike

It's Like Riding a Bike

At CFNA, it is our joy to support our New American friends in so many of these development benchmarks. This summer, we got to witness 24 students enrolled in BWORKS, an organization that allows youth to Earn a Bike or Earn a Computer after attending six weeks of class. Safety, components of the tool, proper use, and responsible ownership are taught in both courses. 

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Gayle Sheahan

Gayle Sheahan

As the new Coordinator for the CFNA Health and Wellness ministry, Gayle has said “yes” to multiple responsibilities having to do with the coordination of this significant CFNA ministry. These monthly screenings at the Peace Center require the services of a sufficient number of volunteers as well as translators, not to mention the availability of medical supplies, follow-up medical visits and more. 

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Celebration and Invitation

Celebration and Invitation

A 10 year Anniversary and Thanksgiving celebration will take place at St. Johns Lutheran Church on Saturday September 14 beginning at 11:00 am. You are cordially invited to join with the Nepali Lutheran Community for a time of special music, a message of thanksgiving and prayers along with an event video. A very nice lunch will also be provided. 

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Named, Not Numbered

Named, Not Numbered

Refugees and immigrants to the U.S. aren’t used to this kind of care. They are living with a system where numbers mean everything—how many people are being admitted from your country this year? How many months or years must you wait to get an answer on your application? How much support can you find to sponsor a loved one? Their humanity gets lost in the numbers—but not to God.

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All Heart. All Strength. All Mind.

All Heart. All Strength. All Mind.

At CFNA, we strive to follow Jesus’s words to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your strength and with all your mind.” (Mathew 22:37) We try to model love, service and learning to our New American neighbors and celebrate when they engage in opportunities to do likewise. Students from our After School Tutoring program are participating in creative ways!

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Sandy Gerber

Sandy Gerber

It has been a blessing to have the opportunity to meet and work with school-age children from many different countries and cultures. Each week as we help them learn, we have an opportunity to share Jesus. What a joy it is to see these young people grow in their understanding of who Jesus is, what He has done for them, and how much He loves and cares for them.

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Never Rejected

Never Rejected

Rejection is something new immigrants face every day. It happens at school, at work, or with next-door neighbors. God forgive us, it sometimes happens even in the church! People turn their backs; they say hurtful things; they refuse the kind of courtesy and care that everyone else gets naturally. And every time it happens, it hurts. 

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Blessings Through Education

Blessings Through Education

104 students from 22 different countries have also been served through the CFNA Scholarship Ministry. Almost all have made satisfactory academic progress and gone on to quality high schools, colleges, universities, and military service. In at least three cases, the fathers of three of these families have graduated from Concordia Seminary and are now on the LCMS clergy roster.

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The Greatest of These is Love

The Greatest of These is Love

Dental health is often lost in the avalanche of things New Americans must learn as they acclimate to life in the US. Staff and volunteers at CFNA, the Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens, Christ Community Lutheran School, and Affinia Healthcare were overjoyed to be able to provide education and practical support for dental wellness for refugee families who attended the event.

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After School Tutoring 2023-2024!

After School Tutoring 2023-2024!

Approximately 90 kids from 12 birth countries were served by more than 25 regular tutors from various Lutheran congregations and SLU on Tuesdays and Thursdays every week. In this work partnerships are everything, and the additional resources made available through these partnerships were of great value to the students and their families.

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